Jane Austen Society












                                            Jane Austen Studies                                         








Jane Austen - Teacher's Guide

The Complete Guide to Teaching Jane Austen



Criticism & Study

Mastering English Literature, Richard Gill

Mastering the Novels of Jane Austen, Richard Gill & Susan Gregory

Jane Austen in Context, Janet Todd

Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen, Edward Copeland & Juliet McMaster

The Cambridge Introduction to Jane Austen, Janet Todd

Jane Austen: The Novels, Nicholas Marsh

Critical Issues: Jane Austen, Darryl Jones

How to Study a Jane Austen Novel, Vivian Jones

Jane Austen, Tony Tanner

Jane Austen, Pat Levy, Student’s Guide Literary Series





Mansfield Park: Macmillan Master Guides, Richard Wirdnam

Manfield Park: A Reader’s Guide to Essential Criticism, ed. Sandie Byrne

Northanger Abbey & Persuasion, Casebook Series ed. Brian Southam

Northanger Abbey, Norton Critical Edition ed. Susan Pearman

Pride and Prejudice: A Sourcebook, ed. Robert Morrison

Pride and Prejudice, One World Classics

Emma, One World Classics

Mansfield Park, One World Classics

Pride and Prejudice, Graphic Novel Series 


Jane Austen and Religion, Rev. Michael Giffin

Jane Austen's Sailor Brothers,  J.H.Hubback

Jane Austen in the Context of the Abolition, Gabrielle D.V. White

Jane Austen and the Morality of Conversation, Bharat Tandon

Regulated Hatred and Other Essays on Jane Austen, D.W. Harding:

Jane Austen and the French Revolution, Warren Roberts

Jane Austen, Feminism and Fiction, Margaret Kirkham

Jane Austen and the Navy, Brian Southam

Jane Austen and the Body, John Wiltshire

Jane Austen and the War of Ideas, Marilyn Butler




Jane Austen and the Fiction of Her Time, Mary Waldron

A Reading of Jane Austen, Barbara Hardy

Jane Austen Caught in the Act of Greatness, Arthur M. Axelrad

Jane Austen, Robert Miles

Jane Austen: Introductions & Interventions, John Wiltshire

Jane Austen’s Art of Memory, Jocelyn Harris

Romantic Austen: Sexual Politics and the Literary Canon, Clara Tuite

Jane Austen and the Enlightenment, Peter Knox-Shaw





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